Currently in role of Art Director
at Fork Unstable Media
Located in
Employer Branding
In my work for Covestro's employer branding, I aimed to make the visuals pop with color and life, hoping to draw in the younger crowd. It was all about crafting something that not only catches the eye but also speaks directly to what young people want and expect from a workplace today.
Art Direction
Motion Design
Visual Design
I also contributed to designing a modular exhibition stand tailored for employer branding purposes at trade fairs, aimed at boosting Covestro's visibility and enhancing interactions with visitors.
I contributed to the "We Give a FAQ" campaign by developing its visual identity, including the design and animation of the logo and video visuals. This initiative aims to offer young people a glimpse into what a career at Covestro might look like, with employees sharing personal stories about their job choices and the enjoyable work environment at Covestro. It's about connecting directly and honestly with potential future employees.